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Author or co-author of more than 150 publications; the publications are listed below and subdivided in:
- Publications in international peer-reviewed journals
- Publications in Italian scientific journals
- Peer-reviewed conference proceedings and abstracts
- Chapters in books
- Dissemination papers on the web
Below the list of publications, I report the journals which invited me to review papers they received for publication.
A. Publications in international peer-reviewed journals
A61. M. Volpe, D. Wüst, F. Merzari, M. Lucian,G. Andreottola, A. Kruse, L. Fiori, One stage olive mill waste streams valorisation via hydrothermal carbonization, Waste Management 80 (2018) 224-234. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.09.021
A60. M. Lucian, G. Piro, L. Fiori, A novel reaction kinetics model for estimating the carbon content into hydrothermal carbonization products, Chemical Engineering Transactions 65 (2018) 379-384. DOI: 10.3303/CET1865064 OPEN ACCESS
A59. F. Merzari, M. Lucian, M. Volpe, G. Andreottola, L. Fiori, Hydrothermal carbonization of biomass: Design of a bench-scale reactor for evaluating the heat of reaction, Chemical Engineering Transactions 65 (2018) 43-48. DOI: 10.3303/CET1865008 OPEN ACCESS
A58. M. Lucian, M. Volpe, L. Gao, G. Piro, J.L. Goldfarb, L. Fiori, Impact of hydrothermal carbonization conditions on the formation of hydrochars and secondary chars from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste, Fuel 233 (2018) 257-268. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.06.060
A57. D. Basso, E. Weiss-Hortala, F. Patuzzi, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, In deep analysis on the behavior of grape marc constituents during hydrothermal carbonization, Energies, 11 (2018) 1379. DOI: 10.3390/en11061379 Link OPEN ACCESS
A56. C. Gopu, L. Gao, M. Volpe, L. Fiori, J.L. Goldfarb, Valorizing municipal solid waste: Waste to energy and activated carbons for water treatment via pyrolysis, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 133 (2018) 48-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2018.05.002
A55. M. Mäkelä, M. Volpe, R. Volpe, L. Fiori, O. Dahl, Spatially resolved spectral determination of polysaccharides in hydrothermally carbonized biomass, Green Chemistry 20 (2018) 1114-1120. DOI:10.1039/C7GC03676K OPEN ACCESS
A54. C.W. Purnomo, D. Castello, L. Fiori, Granular activated carbon from grape seeds hydrothermal char, Applied Sciences 8 (2018) 331. DOI: 10.3390/app8030331 OPEN ACCESS
A53. F.C. Luz, M. Volpe, L. Fiori, A. Manni, S. Cordiner, V. Mulone, V. Rocco, Spent coffee enhanced biomethane potential via an integrated hydrothermal carbonization-anaerobic digestion process, Bioresource Technology 256 (2018) 102-109. DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2018.02.021
A52. M. Volpe, J.L. Goldfarb, L. Fiori, Hydrothermal carbonization of Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes: Role of process parameters on hydrochar properties, Bioresource Technology 247 (2018) 310-318. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2017.09.072
A51. D. Castello, B. Rolli, A. Kruse, L. Fiori, Supercritical water gasification of biomass in a ceramic reactor: long-time batch experiments, Energies 10 (2017) 1734. DOI: 10.3390/en10111734 Link OPEN ACCESS
A50. L. Fiori, M. Volpe, M. Lucian, A. Anesi, M. Manfrini, G. Guella, From fish waste to omega-3 concentrates in a biorefinery concept, Waste and Biomass Valorization 8 (2017) 2609-2620. DOI: 10.1007/s12649-017-9893-1 Link complimentary shared article: Link
A49. M. Volpe, L. Fiori, From olive waste to solid biofuel through hydrothermal carbonisation: the role of temperature and solid load on secondary char formation and hydrochar energy properties, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 124 (2017) 63-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2017.02.022
A48. M. Lucian, L. Fiori, Hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomass: process design, modeling, energy efficiency and cost analysis, Energies 10 (2017) 211. DOI:10.3390/en10020211 Link OPEN ACCESS
A47. V. Lavelli, L. Torri, G. Zeppa, L. Fiori, G. Spigno, Recovery of winemaking by-products for innovative food applications, Italian Journal of Food Science 28 (2016) 542-564. DOI: 10.14674/1120-1770%2fijfs.v507 OPEN ACCESS
A46. H. Ben Mohamed, K. S. Duba, L. Fiori, H. Abdelgawed, I. Tlili, T. Tounekti, A. Zrig, Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities of different grape (Vitis vinifera L.) seed oils extracted by supercritical CO2 and organic solvent, LWT – Food Science and Technology 74 (2016) 557-562. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2016.08.023
A45. M. Volpe, L. Fiori, R. Volpe, A. Messineo, Upgrading of olive tree trimmings residue as biofuel by hydrothermal carbonization and torrefaction: A comparative study, Chemical Engineering Transactions 50 (2016) 13-18. DOI: 10.3303/CET1650003 OPEN ACCESS
A44. K. S. Duba, L. Fiori, Solubility of grape seed oil in supercritical CO2: Experiments and modeling, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 100 (2016) 44-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2016.04.010
A43. D. Basso, F. Patuzzi, D. Castello, M. Baratieri, E.C. Rada, E. Weiss-Hortala, L. Fiori, Agro-industrial waste to solid biofuel through hydrothermal carbonization, Waste Management 47 (2016) 114-121. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2015.05.013
A42. C.M. Fernández, M. Solana, L. Fiori, J.F. Rodríguez, M.J. Ramos, Á. Pérez, From seeds to biodiesel: extraction, esterification, transesterification and blending of jatropha curcas oil, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 14 (2015) 2855-2864. Link
A41. K. S. Duba, L. Fiori, Supercritical fluid extraction of vegetable oils: different approaches to modeling the mass transfer kinetics, Chemical Engineering Transactions 43 (2015) 1051-1056. DOI: 10.3303/CET1543176 OPEN ACCESS
A40. M. Baratieri, D. Basso, F. Patuzzi, D. Castello, L. Fiori, Kinetic and thermal modeling of hydrothermal carbonization applied to grape marc, Chemical Engineering Transactions 43 (2015) 505-510. DOI: 10.3303/CET1543085 OPEN ACCESS
A39. K. S. Duba, L. Fiori, Extraction of bioactives from food processing residues using techniques performed at high pressures, Current Opinion in Food Science 5 (2015) 14-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.cofs.2015.06.009
A38. D. Castello, L. Fiori, Supercritical water gasification of biomass: A stoichiometric thermodynamic model, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (2015) 6771-6781. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.03.120
A37. K.S. Duba, A.A. Casazza, H.B. Mohamed, P. Perego, L. Fiori, Extraction of polyphenols from grape skins and defatted grape seeds using subcritical water: experiments and modeling, Food and Bioproducts Processing 94 (2015) 29-38. DOI: 10.1016/j.fbp.2015.01.001
A36. V. Lavelli, P.S.C. Sri Harsha, L. Fiori, Screening grape seeds recovered from winemaking by-products as sources of reducing agents and mammalian α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibitors, International Journal of Food Science and Technology 50 (2015) 1182-1189. DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.12763
A35. D. Basso, E. Weiss-Hortala, F. Patuzzi, D. Castello, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, Hydrothermal carbonization of off-specification compost: a byproduct of the organic municipal solid waste treatment, Bioresource Technology 182 (2015) 217-224. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.01.118
A34. K.S. Duba, L. Fiori, Supercritical CO2 extraction of grape seed oil: effect of process parameters on the extraction kinetics, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 98 (2015) 33-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2014.12.021
A33. D. Castello, A. Kruse, L. Fiori, Low temperature supercritical water gasification of biomass constituents: glucose/phenol mixtures, Biomass and Bioenergy 73 (2015) 84-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.12.010
A32. C.M. Fernández, L. Fiori, M.J. Ramos, Á. Pérez, J.F. Rodríguez, Supercritical extraction and fractionation of Jatropha curcas L. oil for biodiesel production, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 97 (2015) 100-106. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2014.11.010
A31. L. Fiori, V. Lavelli,
K.S. Duba, P.S.C. Sri Harsha, H.B. Mohamed, G. Guella, Supercritical CO2
extraction of oil from seeds of six grape cultivars: modeling of mass
transfer kinetics and evaluation of lipid profiles and tocol contents,
Journal of Supercritical Fluids 94 (2014) 71-80. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2014.06.021
A30. D. Basso, M. Ragazzi,
E.C. Rada, L. Fiori, Release of PCDD/Fs during a hydrothermal
carbonization process of organic waste residues, U.P.B. Sci. Bull.,
Series D 76 (2014) 199-212. Link
A29. D. Castello, A. Kruse,
L. Fiori, Supercritical water gasification of hydrochar, Chemical
Engineering Research and Design, 92 (2014) 1864-1875. DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2014.05.024
A28. D. Castello, A. Kruse, L. Fiori, Supercritical water gasification of glucose/phenol mixtures as model compounds for ligno-cellulosic biomass, Chemical Engineering Transactions 37 (2014) 193-198. DOI: 10.3303/CET1437033 OPEN ACCESS
A27. L. Fiori, D. Basso, D. Castello, M. Baratieri, Hydrothermal carbonization of biomass: design of a batch reactor and preliminary experimental results, Chemical Engineering Transactions 37 (2014) 55-60. DOI: 10.3303/CET1437010 OPEN ACCESS
A26. L. Fiori, M. Manfrini,
D. Castello, Supercritical CO2 fractionation of omega-3 lipids from fish
by-products: Plant and process design, modeling, economic feasibility,
Food and Bioproducts Processing 92 (2014) 120-132. DOI: 10.1016/j.fbp.2014.01.001
A25. S. Sacchelli, I.
Bernetti, I. De Meo, L. Fiori, A. Paletto, P. Zambelli, M. Ciolli,
Matching socio-economic and environmental efficiency of wood-residues
energy chain: a partial equilibrium model for a case study in Alpine
area, Journal of cleaner production 66 (2014) 431-442. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.11.059
A24. D. Castello, A. Kruse,
L. Fiori, Biomass gasification in supercritical and subcritical water:
the effect of the reactor material, Chemical Engineering Journal, 228
(2013) 535-544. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2013.04.119
A23. L. Fiori, M. Valbusa, D.
Castello, Supercritical water gasification of biomass for H2
production: Process design, Bioresource Technology 121 (2012) 139-147. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.06.116
A22. D. Castello, L. Fiori,
Kinetics modeling and main reaction schemes for the supercritical water
gasification of methanol, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 69 (2012)
64-74. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2012.05.008
A21. L. Fiori, M. Solana, P.
Tosi, M. Manfrini, C. Strim, G. Guella, Lipid profiles of oil from trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) heads, spines and viscera: Trout by-products as a
possible source of omega-3?, Food Chemistry 134 (2012) 1088-1095. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.03.022
A20. L. Fiori, M. Valbusa, D.
Lorenzi, L. Fambri, Modeling of the devolatilization kinetics during
pyrolysis of grape residues, Bioresource Technology 103 (2012) 389-397. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.09.113
A19. A.A. Casazza, B.
Aliakbarian, D. De Faveri, L. Fiori, P. Perego, Antioxidants from
winemaking wastes: a study on extraction parameters using response
surface methodology, Journal of Food Biochemistry 36 (2012) 28-37. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-4514.2010.00511.x
A18. D. Castello, L. Fiori,
Supercritical water gasification of biomass: Thermodynamic constraints,
Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 7574-7582. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.05.017
A17. L. Fiori, P. Costa,
Effects of differential permeability on packed bed supercritical
extractors: a theoretical insight, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 55
(2010) 176-183. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2010.06.007>
A16. L. Fiori, Supercritical
extraction of grape seed oil at industrial-scale: plant and process
design, modeling, economic feasibility, Chemical Engineering and
Processing 49 (2010) 866-872. DOI: 10.1016/j.cep.2010.06.001
A15. L. Fiori, L. Florio,
Gasification and combustion of grape marc: comparison among different
scenarios, Waste and Biomass Valorization 1 (2010) 191-200. DOI: 10.1007/s12649-010-9025-7
A14. E.C. Rada, M. Ragazzi,
L. Fiori, D. Antolini, Bio-drying of grape marc and other biomass: a
comparison, Water Science & Technology 60 (2009) 1065-1070. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2009.559
A13. L. Fiori, D. de Faveri,
A. A. Casazza, P. Perego, Grape by-products: extraction of
polyphenolic compounds using supercritical CO2 and liquid organic solvent – a preliminary investigation, CyTA-Journal of Food 7 (2009) 163-171. DOI: 10.1080/11358120902989715
A12. L. Fiori, Supercritical
extraction of sunflower seed oil: experimental data and model
validation, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 50 (2009) 218-224. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2009.06.011
A11. P. Baggio, M.
Baratieri, L. Fiori, M. Grigiante, D. Avi, P. Tosi, Experimental and
modeling analysis of a batch gasification/pyrolysis reactor, Energy
Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 1426-1435. DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2009.03.004
A10. L. Fiori, D. Basso, P.
Costa, Supercritical extraction kinetics of seed oil: a new model
bridging the ‘broken and intact cells’ and the ‘shrinking core’ models,
Journal of Supercritical Fluids 48 (2009) 131-138. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2008.09.019
A9. L. Fiori, D. Basso, P.
Costa, Seed oil supercritical extraction: particle size distribution of
the milled seeds and modeling, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 47 (2008)
174-181. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2008.08.003
A8. M. Baratieri, P. Baggio,
L. Fiori, M. Grigiante, Biomass as an energy source: thermodynamic
constraints on the performance of the conversion process, Bioresource
Technology 99 (2008) 7063-7073. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2008.01.006
A7. L. Fiori, Grape seed oil
supercritical extraction kinetic and solubility data: critical approach
and modeling, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 43 (2007) 43-54. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2007.04.009
A6. L. Fiori, D. Calcagno, P.
Costa, Sensitivity analysis and operative conditions of a supercritical
fluid extractor, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 41 (2007) 31-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2006.09.005
A5. E. Arato, E. Ricci, L.
Fiori, P. Costa, Composition transients and saturation phenomena at a
liquid metal-vapour interface: an advanced theoretical approach and an
application to the oxidation of tin in a vacuum, Journal of Crystal
Growth 282 (2005) 525-536. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2005.05.043
A4. L. Fiori, E. Ricci, E.
Arato, P. Costa, Dynamic surface tension measurements on a molten
metal-oxygen system: the behaviour of the temperature coefficient of
the surface tension of molten tin, Journal of Material Science 40 (2005)
2155-2159 Proceedings of the IV International Conference High
Temperature Capillarity. DOI: 10.1007/s10853-005-1907-x
A3. L. Fiori, E. Ricci, E.
Arato, Dynamic surface tension measurements on molten metal-oxygen
systems: model validation on molten tin, Acta Materialia 51 (2003)
2873-2890. DOI: 10.1016/S1359-6454(03)00092-2
A2. M. Ratto, L. Fiori, E.
Ricci, E. Arato, On the use of available theoretical models for the
interpretation of capillary phenomena of molten metals in the presence
of oxygen, Journal of Crystal Growth 249 (2003) 445-454. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-0248(02)02226-1
A1. B. Briscoe, L. Fiori, E.
Pelillo, Nano-indentation of polymeric surfaces, Journal of Physics D:
Applied Physics 31 (1998) 2395-2405. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/31/19/006
B. Publications in Italian scientific journals
B7. V. Lavelli, L. Torri, G. Zeppa, L. Fiori, G. Spigno, Recupero dei sottoprodotti di vinificazione per lo sviluppo di applicazioni alimentari innovative – stato dell’arte, Industrie delle bevande, n° 278, Novembre/Dicembre 2018, 5-18, ISSN 0390-0541.
B6. G. Spigno, L. Fiori, V. Lavelli, L. Torri, G. Zeppa, Utilizzo degli scarti di vinificazione – Il progetto ValorVitis, Il Corriere Vinicolo, n° 37, 24 November 2014, 18-19, ISSN 1827-5419
B5. D. Amendola, L. Fiori, V. Lavelli, G. Spigno, L. Torri, G. Zeppa, VALORVITIS Valorizzazione dei sottoprodotti della filiera vitivinicola per la produzione di composti ad altro valore aggiunto, OICCE TIMES Rivista di Enologia, Tecnica, Qualità, Territorio, n° 56 – anno XIV – autunno 2013, 27-31, ISSN 2240-3388.
B4. L. Fiori, Scarti vitivinicoli: una risorsa da valorizzare, Imbottigliamento – mensile dell’industria enologica, delle bevande e dei liquidi alimentari, anno XXXIV, n° 8, November 2011, 30-32, ISSN 0392-792X.
B3. L. Fiori, Università di Trento: Antiossidanti da vinaccia, Macchine Alimentari, anno 4, n° 2, March 2007, 20-23, ISSN 1824-341X.
B2. L. Fiori, Estrazione con fluido supercritico di Olio di Vinacciolo, Laboratorio 2000, anno 20, n° 8, November 2006, 52-55, ISSN 1120-8376.
B1. L. Fiori, D. Calcagno, Vinacciolo da olio o per l’industria farmaceutica?, VQ – Mensile di Viticoltura ed Enologia, anno 2, n° 2, May 2006, 82-87.
C. Peer-reviewed conference proceedings and abstracts
C80. M. Volpe, L. Fiori, D. Panno, R. Volpe, A. Messineo, Assessment of bio-combustibles production via slow pyrolysis of wine industry residues, ICCMSE 2018, International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-18 March 2018, AIP Proceedings.
C79. M. Lucian, G. Piro, M. Volpe, L. Fiori, Modeling the reaction kinetics of agro-waste during hydrothermal carbonization, WasteEng 2018-7th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-5 July 2018.
C78. M. Volpe, M. Lucian, E. Weiss-Hortala, L. Fiori, Biofuel upgrading: ash reduction and energy density enhancement of opuntia-ficus indica cladodes via hydrothermal pretreatments using metal ions chemical sequestration, WasteEng 2018-7th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-5 July 2018.
C77. K. Duba, L. Fiori, Process scale-up for a complete valorization of winemaking waste using supercritical CO2, WasteEng 2018-7th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-5 July 2018.
C76. D. Wuest, D. Jung, M. Lucian, A. Kruse, L. Fiori, Carbonaceous materials from lignocellulosic biomass under hydrothermal conditions, WasteEng 2018-7th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-5 July 2018.
C75. S. Del Bianco, L. Fiori, L. Gao, J. Goldfarb, G. Ischia, M. Lucian, M. Volpe, Multiple thermochemical pathways for municipal solid waste valorization to biofuels and bioproducts. 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, USA, 19-23 August 2018. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 256.
C74. M. Volpe, L. Fiori, L. Gao, J. Goldfarb, Production of sustainable biofuels and advanced carbon materials from the hydrothermal carbonization of Agave Americana, 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, USA, 19-23 August 2018. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 256.
C73. L. Gao, M. Volpe, L. Fiori, J. Goldfarb, Sustainable water treatment materials via hydrothermal carbonization, secondary biofuel extraction, and activation of prickly pear cactus, 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, USA, 18-22 March 2018. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 255.
C72. A. Botturi, N. Frison, C. Giosuè, A.L. Eusebi, F. Merzari, L. Fiori, F. Fatone, Innovative Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflow and perspective of Hydrochar reuse for pollutants adsorption, 6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Naxos Island, Greece, 13–16 June 2018.
C71. J.M. del Valle, C. Lorca, L. Fiori, G.A. Núñez, Temperature gradients within the packed bed affect cumulative supercritical CO2 extraction plots for oilseeds, 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF 2018), Antibes, France, 22-25 April 2018.
C70. D. Wüst, M. Götz, J. Pfenning, A. Kruse, L. Fiori, Exploitation of inulin-type fructans (ItF) from chicory roots for the production of platform chemicals, EUBCE 2017 – 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-15 June 2017. ISBN: 978-88-89407-17-2.
C69. M. Volpe, M. Lucian, L. Fiori, D. Antolini, M. Grigiante, Hydrothermal carbonization as an effective way of densification of agro-industrial residues for energy exploitation: energy, chemical and thermal properties of olive mill wastes hydrochar pellets, EUBCE 2017 – 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-15 June 2017. ISBN: 978-88-89407-17-2.
C68. M. Volpe, F. Merzari, G. Andreottola, L. Fiori, Biofuel production via dry and wet torrefaction of agro-industrial waste: a comparative study, ECI conference – Biochar: Production, Characterization and Applications, Alba, Italy, 20-25 August 2017, p. 1.
C67. F. Merzari, G. Andreottola, M. Volpe, F. Valentinuzzi, T. Mimmo, S. Cesco, L. Fiori, Hydrothermal carbonisation of sewage sludge: char characterisation and reference to international legislations, ECI conference – Biochar: Production, Characterization and Applications, Alba, Italy, 20-25 August 2017, p. 27.
C66. M. Lucian, F. Merzari, L. Fiori, Biochar production through hydrothermal carbonization: energy efficiency and cost analysis of an industrial-scale plant, ECI conference – Biochar: Production, Characterization and Applications, Alba, Italy, 20-25 August 2017, p. 11.
C65. M. Volpe, M. Lucian, L. Fiori, High-energy biofuels production via hydrothermal carbonisation of wet waste biomasses and bioenergy crops, 1st International Symposium on Hydrothermal Carbonisation: Possibilities and Limits for Feedstock, Processes and Applications, London, UK, 3-4 April 2017, p. 50.
C64. M. Lucian, L. Fiori, Hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomass: Process design, modeling, energy efficiency and cost analysis, 1st International Symposium on Hydrothermal Carbonisation: Possibilities and Limits for Feedstock, Processes and Applications, London, UK, 3-4 April 2017, p. 49.
C63. L. Fiori, M. Volpe, Agro-waste to solid biofuel through HTC: the role of process variables on secondary char formation and hydrochar energy properties, 1st International Symposium on Hydrothermal Carbonisation: Possibilities and Limits for Feedstock, Processes and Applications, London, UK, 3-4 April 2017, p. 34.
C62. F. Merzari, G. Andreottola, L. Fiori, Hydrothermal processes applied to waste water treatment plants, Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Albi, France, 23-26 May 2016, p. 1125-1137. ISBN 979-10-91526-05-0.
C61. L. Fiori, M. Volpe, M. Lucian, A. Anesi, M. Manfrini, G. Guella, Fish wastes to omega-3 concentrates in a biorefinery concept, Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Albi, France, 23-26 May 2016, p. 1062-1075. ISBN 979-10-91526-05-0.
C60. D. Basso, F. Patuzzi, E. Weiss-Hortala, M. Baratieri, P. Contò, L. Fiori, Hydrochar from EWC 19.12.12 as a substitute of carbon black, Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Albi, France, 23-26 May 2016, p. 608-620. ISBN 979-10-91526-05-0.
C59. D. Basso, F. Patuzzi, E. Weiss-Hortala, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, Experiences on hydrotermal carbonisation: kinetic modelling based on experimental results, tcbiomass2015 – 4th International Conference on Thermochemical (TC) Biomass Conversion Science, Chicago, IL USA, 2-5 November 2015.
C58. F.A. Faridi, F. Patuzzi, D. Prando, S. Vakalis, L. Fiori, D. Chiaramonti, A.M. Rizzo, M. Baratieri, Characterization of biomass char from real scale gasifiers and assessment of possible utilization pathways, tcbiomass2015 – 4th International Conference on Thermochemical (TC) Biomass Conversion Science, Chicago, IL USA, 2-5 November 2015.
C57. D. Basso, F. Patuzzi, E. Weiss-Hortala, E.C. Rada, D. Castello, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, Waste to biofuel through hydrothermal carbonization, Proceeding of 5th International symposium on energy from biomass and waste, Venice, Italy, 17-20 November 2014, p. 1-9. CISA Publisher.
C56. L. Fiori, D. Basso, F. Patuzzi, E. Weiss-Hortala, D. Castello, M. Baratieri, Hydrothermal carbonization for wet wastes management, Proceeding of Ecomondo, Rimini, Italy, 5-8 November 2014, p. 269-273. Editor: Maggioli Editore.
C55. D. Basso, F. Patuzzi, D. Castello, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, Hydrothermal carbonization of grape marc: Experimental results and reaction kinetics modelling, Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25-28 August 2014, p. 980-991. ISBN 979-10-91526-03-6
C54. D. Basso, F. Patuzzi, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, Thermo-fluid model of a batch hydrothermal carbonization reactor. Proceeding of 22st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, 23-26 June 2014, p. 987-990. ISSN 2282-5819. DOI: 10.5071/22ndEUBCE2014-3DO.5.3. Link
C53. D. Basso, F. Patuzzi, D. Castello, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, Modeling the reaction kinetics during hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomass. Proceeding of 22st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, 23-26 June 2014, p. 1269-1273. ISSN 2282-5819. DOI: 10.5071/22ndEUBCE2014-3DV.1.4. Link
C52. K.S. Duba, L. Fiori, Effect of process parameters on supercritical CO2 extraction of grape seed oil: experiment and modeling. Proceeding of the 14th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Marseille, France, 18-21 May 2014, p. 55. ISBN: 978-2-37111-002-1, Editor: Atout Organisation Science.
C51. K.S. Duba, A.A. Casazza, H.B. Mohamed, P. Perego, L. Fiori, Subcritical water extraction kinetics of polyphenols from grape skins and defatted grape seeds: experiment and modeling. Proceeding of the 14th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Marseille, France, 18-21 May 2014, p. 56. ISBN: 978-2-37111-002-1, Editor: Atout Organisation Science.
C50. D. Basso, M. Ragazzi, E.C. Rada, L. Fiori, Innovative opportunities for the exploitation of the residues of the MSW treatment plants. Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment – CIEM/2013, Bucharest, Romania, 7-8 November 2013, p. 1-8.
C49. D. Basso, D. Castello, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, Hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomass: progress report and prospects. Proceeding of 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-7 June 2013, p. 1478-1487. ISSN 2282-5819. DOI: 10.5071/21stEUBCE2013-3CV.1.35. Link
C48. G. Spigno, L. Maggi, D. Amendola, L. Fiori, S.K. Duba, V. Lavelli, M. Marietti, G. Zeppa, R. Marchiani, L. Torri, M. Fiochi, VALORVITIS – Valorization of the wine industry byproducts for the production of high-added value compounds. Proceeding of Winery 2013 Viticulture and Winery wastes environmental impact and management, Narbonne, France, 26-30 May 2013 X3.
C47. K. S. Duba, L. Fiori, Comparison of different kinetics models for supercritical CO2 extraction of seed oil. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Napoli, Italy, April 29 – May 6, 2013, p. 45-50. ISBN: 88-7897-061-1. Editors: E. Reverchon & I. De Marco. Printed by Centro Stampa di Ateneo, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy.
C46. L. Fiori, D. Castello, P. Corradini, Supercritical CO2 extraction at industrial scale: advantages of utilizing a number of extractors in series working in the counter-current mode. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Napoli, Italy, April 29 – May 6, 2013, p. 69-74. ISBN: 88-7897-061-1. Editors: E. Reverchon & I. De Marco. Printed by Centro Stampa di Ateneo, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy.
C45. L. Fiori, K.S. Duba, R. Berti, L. Torri, Supercritical CO2 extraction, fatty acid and aroma profile of grape seed oil from different grape cultivars. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Napoli, Italy, April 29 – May 6, 2013, p. 163-168. ISBN: 88-7897-061-1. Editors: E. Reverchon & I. De Marco. Printed by Centro Stampa di Ateneo, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy.
C44. D. Castello, A. Kruse, L. Fiori, Supercritical water gasification of hydrothermal char. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Napoli, Italy, April 29 – May 6, 2013, p. 381-386. ISBN: 88-7897-061-1. Editors: E. Reverchon & I. De Marco. Printed by Centro Stampa di Ateneo, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy.
C43. L. Fiori, D. Castello, M. Valbusa, Supercritical water gasification of grape marc: process scheme and energy analysis. Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorization, Porto, Portugal, 10-13 September 2012, p. 270-275. ISBN: 979-10-91526-00-5, Editor: Mines d’Albi, Campus Jarlard, Route de Teillet, Albi 81013 Cedex 09 France.
C42. D. Castello, A. Kruse, L. Fiori, Supercritical water gasification in a ceramic wall reactor. Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorization, Porto, Portugal, 10-13 September 2012, p. 1255-1260. ISBN: 979-10-91526-00-5, Editor: Mines d’Albi, Campus Jarlard, Route de Teillet, Albi 81013 Cedex 09 France.
C41. D. Castello, A. Kruse, L. Fiori, Biomass gasification in supercritical and subcritical water: kinetics tests with different reactor materials. Proceeding of 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Milan, Italy, 18-22 June 2012, p. 1144-1148. ISBN: 978-88-89407-54-7. DOI: 10.5071/20thEUBCE2012-2BV.2.55. Link
C40. L. Fiori, D. Castello, Tecnologie supercritiche per la valorizzazione di biomasse residuali. Proceeding of Ecomondo 2011, RiminiFiera, Italy, 09-12 November 2011, p. 390-395. Editor: Maggioli Editore.
C39. L. Fiori, M. Manfrini, Simulation of an industrial plant for supercritical CO2 fractionation of omega-3 fatty acid ethyl esters from fish oil. Proceeding of 13th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, The Hague, The Netherlands, 09-12 October 2011, p. 149-150. ISBN: 978-2-905267-77-1, Editor: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine.
C38. P. Yimsiri, L. Fiori, S. Sonwai, G. Guella, Supercritical CO2 extraction of mango butter for cocoa butter replacement. Proceeding of 13th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, The Hague, The Netherlands, 09-12 October 2011, p. 145. ISBN: 978-2-905267-77-1, Editor: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine.
C37. D. Castello, L. Fiori, Kinetic modelling of supercritical water gasification: preliminary results. Proceeding of 13th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, The Hague, The Netherlands, 09-12 October 2011, p. 166. ISBN: 978-2-905267-77-1, Editor: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine.
C36. D. Castello, M. Valbusa, L. Fiori, Process design for supercritical water gasification. Proceeding of 13th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, The Hague, The Netherlands, 09-12 October 2011, p. 50. ISBN: 978-2-905267-77-1, Editor: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine.
C35. D. Castello, L. Fiori, Thermodynamic modelling of biomass gasification in supercritical water. Proceeding of Third International Symposium on energy from biomass and waste, Venice, Italy, 08-11 November 2010, p. 1-14. ISBN 978-88-6265-008-3. Cisa Publisher.
C34. A. Paganella, L. Fiori, P. Zambelli, C. Lora, L. Florio, D. Castello, R. Spinelli, M. Grigiante, M. Ciolli, Forest residues in the Autonomous Province of Trento: energetic valorization through combustion and gasification. Proceeding of Third International Symposium on energy from biomass and waste, Venice, Italy, 08-11 November 2010, p. 1-13. ISBN 978-88-6265-008-3. Cisa Publisher.
C33. D. Castello, L. Fiori, Supercritical water gasification of biomass: a thermodynamic analysis. Proceeding of Ninth Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Sorrento, Italy, 05-08 September 2010, Ed. E. Reverchon, p. 463-468.
C32. L. Fiori, G. Crosariol, L. Florio, B. Bosio, Exploitation of grape marc as a source of energy and by-products: a preliminary feasibility study. Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorization, Beijing, China, 17-19 May 2010, p. 160 ISBN: 978-2-9511591-8-1, Editor: Ecole des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux, Campus Jarlard, Route de Teillet, Albi 81013 Cedex 09, France.
C31. L. Fiori, From grape marc to grape seed oil by supercritical technology: a feasibility study. Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorization, Beijing, China, 17-19 May 2010, p. 143 ISBN: 978-2-9511591-8-1, Editor: Ecole des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux, Campus Jarlard, Route de Teillet, Albi 81013 Cedex 09, France.
C30. L. Fiori, M. Solana, G. Guella, C. Strim, P. Tosi, Grape seed oil: supercritical extraction, chemical analysis and fractionation. Proceeding of 12th European meeting on supercritical fluids, Graz, Austria, 9-12 May 2010, p. 147-148. ISBN 978-2905267-72-6, Editor: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine.
C29. L. Fiori, M. Solana, P. Tosi, M. Manfrini, C. Strim, G. Guella, Supercritical extraction of omega-3 rich oil from trout waste. Proceeding of 12th European meeting on supercritical fluids, Graz, Austria, 9-12 May 2010, p. 145-146. ISBN 978-2905267-72-6, Editor: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine.
C28. M. Solana, M. Manfrini, L. Fiori, Supercritical extraction of omega-3 rich oil from trout waste. Proceeding of 4th FLUCOMP, Ciudad Real, Spain, 10-12 February 2010, p. 77-78.
C27. C.M. Fernandez, L. Fiori, M.J. Ramos, A. Perez, J.F. Rodriguez, Supercritical extraction of jatropha seed oil for biodiesel production. Proceeding of 4th FLUCOMP, Ciudad Real, Spain, 10-12 February 2010, p. 75-76.
C26. L. Fiori, Supercritical extraction of seed oil: different approaches to modeling. Proceeding of 4th FLUCOMP, Ciudad Real, Spain, 10-12 February 2010, p. 32-33.
C25. S.M. Ciuta, L. Fiori, E.C. Rada, M. Ragazzi, T. Apostol, A proposal for spent grape marc exploitation in Romania. Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment – CIEM/2009, Bucharest, Romania, 12-14 November 2009, Editura POLITEHNICA Press ISSN 2067–0893.
C24. L. Fiori, Supercritical extraction of grape seed oil: a preliminary study on economic and technical feasibility. Proceeding of Winery 2009, Trento and Verona, Italy, 30 March – 3 April 2009, p. 245–251, ISBN 978-88-8443-284-1.
C23. E. C. Rada, M. Ragazzi, L. Fiori, D. Antolini, Bio-drying of grape marc and other biomass: a comparison. Proceeding of Winery 2009, Trento and Verona, Italy, 30 March – 3 April 2009, p. 237–243, ISBN 978-88-8443-284-1.
C22. L. Fiori, D. Basso, P. Costa, Modellazione della cinetica di estrazione supercritica da semi oleosi. Proceeding of Gr.I.C.U. 2008, Le Castella (Kr), Italy, 14-17 September 2008, p. 1419-1424.
C21. L. Fiori, D. De Faveri, A. A. Casazza, P. Perego, Cinetica di estrazione supercritica di composti polienolici da vinaccia. Proceeding of Gr.I.C.U. 2008, Le Castella (Kr), Italy, 14-17 September 2008, p. 397-401.
C20. L. Fiori, A. Guerriero, M. Pedroni, M. D’Ambrosio, Rhodiola rosea: confronto e sinergie tra estrazione per macerazione ed estrazione supercritica. Proceeding of Gr.I.C.U. 2008, Le Castella (Kr), Italy, 14-17 September 2008, p. 75-80.
C19. L. Fiori, D. Basso, P. Costa, Seed oil supercritical extraction: charge granulometric distribution and modeling’. Proceeding of 11th European meeting on Supercritical Fluids’, Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 May 2008, ISBN 2–905267-58-5, p. 254.
C18. L. Fiori, A. Lorenzi, M. Grigiante, P. Baggio, M. Baratieri, Analisi sperimentale del processo di estrazione di olio da semi di girasole con CO2 supercritica. Proceeding of 62° Congresso dell’Associazione Termotecnica Italiana, Salerno, Italy, 11-14 September 2007, ISBN: 978-88-87998-77-1, p. 469-472.
C17. P. Baggio, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, M. Grigiante, Analisi sperimentale e modellazione numerica del processo di gassificazione di biomassa. Proceeding of 62° Congresso dell’Associazione Termotecnica Italiana, Salerno, Italy, 11-14 September 2007, ISBN: 978-88-87998-77-1, p. 473-478.
C16. L. Fiori, A. Lorenzi, M. Grigiante, P. Baggio, M. Baratieri, Experimental evaluation of sunflower oil extraction with supercritical CO2. Proceeding of 15th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition. Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection’, Berlin, Germany, 7-11 May 2007, ISBN:978-88-89407-59-X, p. 2016-2020.
C15. P. Baggio, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, M. Grigiante, P. Tosi, Biomass gasification process: experimental analysis and two-phase equilibrium modeling. Proceeding of 15th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition. Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection’, Berlin, Germany, 7-11 May 2007, ISBN:978-88-89407-59-X, p. 834-843.
C14. D. De Faveri, P. Perego, G. Spigno, M.C. Sighel, L. Fiori, L. Tramelli, Supercritical fluid extraction of antioxidant compounds from grape seeds and skins. Proceeding of IUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology – Food is Life’, Nantes, France, 17-21 September 2006, p. 595-596.
C13. M. Baratieri, P. Baggio, L. Fiori, C. Tomasi, Thermochemical biomass conversion: process analysis and energy performances. Proceedings of World Renevable Energy Congress IX and Exhibition, Firenze, Italy, 19-25 August 2006.
C12. L. Fiori, Supercritical fluid extraction of grape seed oil: progress report and new high pressure experimental data. Proceedings of 8th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications’, Ischia, Italy, 28-31 May 2006, Ed. Reverchon, vol. 1, p. 131-136.
C11. P. Baggio, M. Ragazzi, L. Fiori, M. Grigiante, E. C. Rada, N. Sibisi, M. Baratieri, D. M. Cocarta, L. Lazar, Waste to energy options: the University of Trento team. Proceeding of Managementul deseurilor urbane si industriale, Bucarest, Romania, 21 October 2005, p. 31-41, ISBN 973-86948-6-8.
C10. P. Baggio, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, M. Ragazzi, A bench-scale reactor for pyrolysis and gasification: state of art and design. Proceeding of CIEM 2005, Bucarest, Romania, 20-21 October 2005, ISBN 973-86948-5-X.
C9. P. Baggio, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, M. Grigiante, C. Tomasi, Energy performance of biomass gasification: a thermodynamic analysis. Proceeding of 14th European Biomass Conference, 17-21 October 2005, Paris, France, p. 803-806.
C8. P. Baggio, M. Baratieri, L. Fiori, M. Grigiante, M. Ragazzi, Biomass gasification experimental investigation: literature review and design of a bench-scale reactor. Proceeding of 14th European Biomass Conference, 17-21 October 2005, Paris, France, p. 692-695.
C7. B. Bosio, E. Arato, P. Costa, A. Barbucci, G. Cerisola, P. Baggio, L. Fiori, M. Ragazzi, M. Viviani, F. Parodi, P. Capobianco, A. Torazza, M.L. Pelizza, F. Repetto, Hydrogen as an energy vector: from production to use in fuel cell systems. Proceeding of:59° Congresso ATI, Genova, Italy, 14-17 September 2004, p. 661-672.
C6. D. Giuranno, E. Ricci, L. Fiori, E. Arato, Evaluation of the oxygen transport at the surface of liquid aluminium by dynamic surface tension measurements. In: Mass and charge transport in inorganic materials II: 2nd International Conference, Florence, Italy, 14-18 July 2002. Proceedings, p. 183 – 190. P. Vincenzini, V. Buscaglia (eds.). Advances in Science and Technology, vol. 37. Faenza, Italy, Techna, 2003. Proceeding of Cimtec 2002. ISBN: 88-86538-39-1.
C5. L. Fiori, E. Ricci, E. Arato, On the behaviour of the surface tension temperature coefficient of liquid metal-oxygen systems. Proceeding of HTC 2004: Fourth International Conference High Temperature Capillarity, Sanremo, Italy, 31 March-3 April 2004, p. 101. CNR-IENI, 2004.
C4. L. Battezzati, A. Castellero, M. Baricco, E. Arato, M. Ratto, L. Fiori, E. Ricci, R. Novakovic, D. Giuranno, A. Passerone, Thermophysical properties of metallic systems at high temperature. Proceeding of Convegno dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana ASI, Torino, Italy, 19-23 May 2001.
C3. E. Arato, M. Ratto, E. Ricci, R. Novakovic, L. Fiori, D. Giuranno, A. Passerone, A model of oxygen transport as a tool to study the liquid metal surface oxidation. Elgra News 22 (2001) 116. In: ELGRA Biennal Meeting, Banyuls sur mer, France, 25-28 September 2001.
C2. E. Ricci, L. Fiori, E. Arato, D. Giuranno, Tensione superficiale di metalli liquidi: validazione di un modello teorico per la previsione delle condizioni di ossidazione/deossidazione superficiale. In: VII Convegno A.I.P.T., Pisa, Italy, 21 September 2001, p. 51 – 60. E. Campagnoli, G. Ruscica (eds.). Torino, Italy, C.L.U.T. Editrice, 2002.
C1. L. Fiori, D. Giuranno, M. Ratto, E. Ricci, E. Arato, Study of the oxidation conditions for molten tin-oxygen system via dynamic surface tension measurements. Proceedings of IcheaP-5, Florence. Italy, 20-23 May 2001, p. 965-970.
D. Chapters in books
D4. L. Fiori, D. Castello, Thermodynamic analysis of the supercritical water gasification of biomass, in Near-critical and Supercritical Water and Their Applications for Biorefineries, Biofuels and Biorefineries Vol. 2, 2014, Springer – edited by Profs. Zhen Fang, and Chunbao Xu, ISBN 978-94-017-8923-3, p. 99-129 (ISBN eBook: 978-94-017-8923-3). DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-8923-3
D3. L. Fiori, P. Costa,
Supercritical extraction of seed oil: analysis and comparison of
up-to-date models, in Supercritical Fluids, Editors: Marcel R.
Belinsky, Nova Science Publishers, Series: Condensed Matter Research
and Technology, 2010, New York, p. 707-724 ISBN: 978-1-60741-930-3. Link
D2. L. Fiori, Biomassa/rifiuti: differenze e similitudini dal punto di vista energetico, in Energia da biomasse e rifiuti a cura di M. Ragazzi e E.C. Rada, Ed. F. Angeli, Milano, 2008, p. 11-14.
D1. M. Baratieri, S. Fedrizzi, L. Fiori, A. Franzinelli, C. Marculescu, Stato dell’arte della termovalorizzazione dei rifiuti urbani, in Introduzione alla termovalorizzazione dei rifiuti a cura di M. Ragazzi e R. Del Duro, Ed. F. Angeli, Milano, 2006, p. 46-79
E. Dissemination papers on the web
E4. L. Fiori, Il recupero dei sottoprodotti della filiera vitivinicola: Il progetto di ricerca ValorVitis sui derivati ad alto valore aggiunto come l’olio di vinacciolo, UnitrentoMAG: Periodico online dell’Università di Trento, January 2015
E3. “100 Italian Circular Economy Stories” by Symbola and ENEL Group, Storia n° 30, pages 76-77, 14/03/2018.
E2. “Io penso circolare” per migliorare il mondo: ecco i vincitori del concorso. Da Trento la bio-raffineria del futuro. La Stampa (Italian national newspaper) 07/06/2017
E1. Riciclo dei rifiuti per produrre energia e fertilizzanti Green Planner Magazine, 27/04/2016
Ad hoc reviewer
I have been requested to review the book proposal “Introduction to Bioenergy” for CRC Press and several papers for the following international scientific journals:
- ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
- Applied Energy
- Arabian Journal of Chemistry
- Biofuels
- Biomass and Bioenergy
- Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
- Bioresource Technology
- Chemical Engineering and Processing
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- Chemical Engineering Communications
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- Chemical Engineering Research and Design
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- Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
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- Fuel Processing Technology
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- Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies
- International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
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- Italian Journal of Food Science
- Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
- Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society
- Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics
- Journal of Food Engineering
- Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
- Journal of Separation Science
- Journal of Supercritical Fluids
- LWT – Food Science and Technology
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- Separation and Purification Technology
- The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
- The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
- Waste and Biomass Valorization
- Waste Management
- Journal of Hazardous Materials